Terms & Conditions


webmediatricks.com is an enhanced web based platform meant for the development and enhancement of all categories of businesses. This is done in two ways; searching for suitable companies and then interacting with them. WEB MEDIA TRICKS PVT. LTD. is the owner of the website.

The use of the website in part and complete is subject to the acceptance of the website’s terms and conditions. Everyone willing to use the website’s services should agree to the below mentioned terms and conditions. Only those companies, firms or individuals can use the services that are eligible to create binding contracts that are legal under the Indian laws. While the company WEB MEDIA TRICKS PVT. LTD. has the full rights over the amendment of those terms and conditions before publishing them on the site. Once they are published on the site, they may be deemed approved and effective from the date posted.

Definition Clause


As per this agreement of webmediatricks.com, a user is one who has acknowledged the use of the services by the website. It can be an individual or a company.

Un-authorized Member or User:

All users have to be registered under the terms and conditions of the company webmediatricks.com. Someone who is not and willing to use the services is considered to be an un-authorized member or user.

Free Services:

An individual or a firm that is willing to enlist his or their business without availing any other services of the website is enjoying the free services.

Paid Services:

While most of the services are free for the users, there are certain tasks and services that are paid. A user who pays for those services are said to be enjoying the paid services. When enjoying the paid services, one has to be in agreement with the terms and conditions laid down by the website.

When an individual or a company agrees to use the site and its services, the following statements should be adhered to:

(a) that all the information provided are true and authentic. as per the best knowledge of the provider.

(b) that it is the responsibility of the user to check whether the information provided is accurate.

(c) that the user is not less than 18 years of age,

(d) that no violation of any of the clauses, contents mentioned on the site takes place.

(e) that the user’s profile can undergo termination as well as deletion, if found inappropriate or breaching any contract terms and conditions.

(f) that the user won’t hold the site responsible for the loss of date, any unforeseen event that may occur, as a result of the use of the site and the services. Or due to negligence of the user.

The sites shall be used by the users in all lawful manners without any breach of law of the land. Content used should not be offensive or transmit a message that is derogatory in nature.

Intellectual Property Rights can’t be tracked by the site. If a user posts or advertises products that have copyright issues can be solved once that is brought to light. through mutual means. The site is against the endorsement and advocacy of the products that may be subject to copyright.

Contents that lack verification like copyright, acknowledgement, knowledge and contraventions may lead to issues. The site is not responsible for such contents posted by the users.

If any copyright or infringement issue crops up, the user shall be deleted permanently from the classified listing. It will be done under the Information Technology Act 2000 and no discussion pertaining to the action will occur.

In case of a conflict between the terms of the paid services and the provisions of the agreement, it is the website webmediatricks.com that has the right to take any action for the solution. If the problem still persists, the paid services will continue to prevail.

The terms and conditions of the website can be amended by the webmediatricks.com. Once they have been amended and approved, they will be posted on the site. There is no other way of modifying the terms unless in writing.

One who seeks membership in the website can seek it. Once the activation request is submitted by the user, it is activated in two business days. The period will depend on the activation duration requested for.

Users or members should learn that the servers are third party owned which means that the site won’t be liable for any damage to your property or any hacking that may arise. To be on the safer side, members can back their messages up offline and save it in a secure manner. The user must be responsible for security and safety of the information , WEB MEDIA TRICKS PVT. LTD. takes no responsibility in any manner.

The charges of membership are subject to change and alteration. They are also at the discretion of the site owners.

The company webmediatricks.com can deactivate and go offline any time. The users may not receive any clarification on the action.

The mode of communication to the users can be specified during the registration of the membership. It can be through calls, SMS, emails etc.

Users Generally

The site can be used by the users for personal use only. No property of the site can be used by the users or members for reselling or redistribution purposes. They also can’t be used for advertisement of a business that is in line with webmediatricks.com.

Not all contents displayed on the website are by webmediatricks.com. Some of the contents are posted and displayed as they had been put on the site by other parties, users or third parties. webmediatricks.com is not responsible for incorrect information or erroneous content on display on the site.

Users may have access to third party contents in the form of hyperlinks to those websites. Before using the contents and services of the third parties, webmediatricks.com recommends the reading and understanding of the terms and conditions by those third party websites. webmediatricks.com doesn’t have any rights and regulations over those sites and therefore, no product or service malfunctioning will be the site’s responsibility.

Different users can have different access to various sites along with the features by webmediatricks.com. the specialised IT department of WEB MEDIA TRICKS PVT. LTD. also has the right to tweak the features without any prior information for the upgrading software . No request for modification or change is encouraged or will be entertained.

Users should ensure that the integrity is maintained while using the webmediatricks.com site. Any infringement of the network or computer system used by the site will be taken seriously and actioned instantly.

It is the duty of every potential user to read the privacy policy of webmediatricks.com carefully. Once the user has read and understood the terms and conditions should be agreed upon. This privacy policy also states that webmediatricks.com has the right to change and modify the privacy policy any time without any prior notice.

It is repeatedly mentioned that a user, not paying heed to the intellectual property and copyright issue will be terminated with no further explanation. Such conduct by the users can deteriorate the image of webmediatricks.com and its associates and affiliates.

Membership charges are subject to revision and are at the discretion of the webmediatricks.com

User to be aware that the Web Servers belongs to third party and the continuation to access the services are subject to availability as the same is interrupted at times by technical problems /hackers etc. and webmediatricks.com is not responsible for the costs/damages/extension of activation period etc. for the same in any manner under any circumstances. The members are advised to spool the messages etc. offline and save them elsewhere in order to avoid any hacking or technical problem.

Registered Users

Anyone who is willing to register with webmediatricks.com with personal details provided is a registered user. webmediatricks.com will provide each of these registered users with a unique user ID and a password. These credentials can be used to log in to the website.

A web based email account will be provided to each of the registered users. The responsibility of the email exchanges will be borne by the user.

In case of the registered user being a business organisation:

(a) ensure that the organisation is authorized to bind with the agreement.

(b) correct business address is provided.

(c) all other information that has been made available to webmediatricks.com is accurate and true.

A registered user authorizes webmediatricks.com to use the personal data in the database of the supplier/manufacturer/global buyer of webmediatricks.com. He or she also authorizes the site to be able to share the information with other users too

A registered user can be terminated within 24 hours in the following situations:

(a) if the information provided is inaccurate.

(b) if there is any breach of the agreement signed.

(c) if the user has the potential of causing loss to webmediatricks.com or its affiliates.

The email account provided should not be used for any other purpose but business purpose only. Spam of any kind or offensive email content will not be tolerated at any cost.

If a registered user is willing to withdraw the account, the account is non transferable unless a written consent is attained from webmediatricks.com.

Dialweb.com may or may not transfer the user ID and password to some other users; be it for any reason. Once you have become a registered user of webmediatricks.com, you authorize the site to use your details in all its market places without restricting to directory, catalogs, listing etc. in the database.

In case of online promotion by webmediatricks.com, your personal details will be published in every forum and you will have no objection to it. The intellectual property of the registered users can be used by webmediatricks.com with respect to the requirements or leads posted.

URLs that are provided by webmediatricks.com can be revised, changed or edited without any prior notice. Any damage caused, whether direct or indirect will not be the site’s responsibility.

Users who Post information on webmediatricks.com

In order to post any information, you need to be a registered user.

The users and webmediatricks.com are not in any form of business relationship or sales relationship. Any damage caused by the post on the site will not be directed towards anyone associated with webmediatricks.com or the site itself.

Users who wish to post on the site should ensure the following:

(a) all the information provided is true and accurate.

(b) information once provided should be updated and amended as and when required without any fail.

Any material or posts on the site, a user has to have all the required trademarks. Copyright, material rights etc. for no damage to be caused to the site in future.

Each of the users will ascertain the following:

(a) no information provided is fraudulent and there is no attempt of sale of services or items which are not abiding by the law.

(b) no post should be published which discriminates against a race, community, culture, individuality etc.

(c) no solicitation of business activity that is in competition with the site.

Any material on the site found to be breaching the terms and condition of the site will be removed by webmediatricks.com and the sites will entertain no discussion on the similar actions. The site may also terminate an account of a user if found involved in unlawful act that may be harmful to the operation of the site.

Business enquiries through phone calls, SMS and Emails are encouraged by webmediatricks.com and the site will not be involved in the business communication between the two parties.

webmediatricks.com does not exercise any control over its Users for sending business enquiries to the Registered members and will not be involved in any scrutiny of the same. webmediatricks.com does not represent the seller nor the buyer in specific transactions and does not charge any commissions from completing any transactions. webmediatricks.com does not control and is not liable to or responsible for the quality, safety, lawfulness or availability of the products or services offered for sale on the Site or the ability of the suppliers to complete a sale or the ability of buyers to complete a purchase.

Transaction between buyers and suppliers

webmediatricks.com is a platform that can be used by buyers and products and services’ suppliers for the exchange of information. It doesn’t charge any form of fee or commission for playing the role.

The number of fraud users can occur irrespective of the site’s strict and stringent methods of identifying such users. webmediatricks.com advises all its users to use the required tools to verify the information and also make use of the common sense to identify such fake people or entities.

The transaction between the users and suppliers is solely at their discretion. Any damage caused will be borne by the two parties and not the site. The damage can be pertaining to the manufacture, offer, display, import, supply etc.

None but the users are responsible for fulfilling the terms and conditions of the transactions happening within the site.

webmediatricks.com will not be held responsible for any fraud activity happening under the veil of transaction.

A user can avail the features of webmediatricks.com as they are available on the site.

Any form of warranty, accuracy, reliability, quality, standard etc. claimed by the user’s post will not be borne by webmediatricks.com. It is the user who is answerable and held responsible for.

Any material that a user downloads from the site is done at the risk of the user. The site is not responsible, in any way to bear the consequences as a result.

Any form of delay in offering the services or failure to deliver will not hold webmediatricks.com as the site is only a medium to connect you to the sellers. It is the users who are to be responsible for such acts.

Any type of consequence that may arise, as a result of the act of the users will be borne by the users and not webmediatricks.com. It can be an act pertaining to the products and services of any miscommunication.

The users are advised to be careful in disclosing personal information to anyone seeking it. A proper verification must be run in order to be sure of providing such information.

Fee and paid features of the site are available only on the desktop version. No request will be entertained for the incorporation of such features on the mobile version.

webmediatricks.com will not be responsible for any form of damage caused owing to the acts of the users.

The users with webmediatricks.com will have to materialize the business at their own levels. webmediatricks.com will not be involved in the act.

webmediatricks.com will make available the listing of the products which are pharmaceutical related. Direct sales or purchases are not entertained by the site. The users are not authorized to post any information pertaining to the medicines, chemicals etc. as per the Cosmetics Act, 1940. The site can’t be held responsible for any transaction that may occur.

The use or inability to use the site

A user may not be able to use the site as a result of any defect or damage arising out of goods or services by a user. In case of violation of third party rights too, a user won’t be able to use the site. Unauthorized access to third party properties etc. may result in the inability to use the site.

Intellectual Property rights

Logos, registered marks, trademarks, etc. that are visible on the site are properties that are owned by the site or its associates or affiliates. All the rights are therefore vested on the site of the associate and affiliates.

The use of the marks and logos by the site is strictly prohibited. Unable to adhere to this may lead to a legal offence resulting in civil and criminal action.

Website Designing Services

Our membership packages come with website designing services. There is no additional charge for the maintenance of these sites. Technical errors arising out of any reason should not lead to legal problems.

Validity of Website Designing Services

Initially, we will call and email you for the details of the website development. In case you fail to answer, we will send your letters reminding you of the requirements. It is after our second reminder letter that we shall terminate the website designing services of you.

Development of Website

We believe in customer satisfaction and therefore like to keep you in loop for every web development. In case of any doubt and query, we will try to contact you. We will send your reminder letters. After the second reminding letter too, if we don’t get any response, we will develop the website as per our standard format.

Hosting of Website

Once the website is deemed ready, we will send a temporary link to the clients. We wait for the next five business days to receive an email seeking modification or change. If we don’t receive any email or response, we will consider that to be approved and continue thereafter. The said number of days can undergo a change if it is requested earlier in writing.